Our first stop was at The Ohio State
University where we heard Brad Collins speak to us about one of the colleges in
the university. He is part of OBIC, the Ohio Bioproducts Innovation Center. He
talked about how the plastics we used to use are different than the plastics we
can find today. Instead of using fossil fuels they are using soybeans, corn and
other plant materials. They call this new plastic a bioplastic.
He showed us
the different types of products that contain the bioplastics. For example, he
showed us dish soap, 2-cycle motor oil, a kitchen cutting board and a foam ball
that is an example of the inside of car seats. I also found it very interesting
the things he shared about Henry Ford and the things he introduced to the
Amy Jo Baughman talked to us about the
College of Agriculture. We had the opportunity to introduce ourselves to her.
She also shared with us what it takes to become a college student. She
introduced Cody Myers to us who showed us around the campus. He shared lots of
good information with us. For example, the older arena has an underground
tunnel so that cattle could be brought in to the classroom. Then we got to see
some of the big equipment that students can learn about and use on the
university’s land.

From OSU we went to the Delaware CountyFair and the Little Brown Jug. Mrs. Sandy Kuhn, the Delaware County Fair
Director, spoke to us about the history of the fair. She introduced Brian and
Jennifer Brown who talked about how they work together to train horses for
Standardbred racing. He was able to share with us the details of the care of
the hooves of the horse and how important this is. Having an understanding
about the type of track affects how the horses hooves are cared for. So if the
track is sandy the horse does not need shoes. Most European horses are not
shod. We also got to go outside to visit the very energetic horses. We were
able to meet some of the members of the fair board and learn about what they
do. I thought Mr. Howard was the coolest, showing us a little auctioneer
They were very gracious to provide us with
pizza. It was a great first day of the Summer Ag Tour.
this is so interesting to read of your adventure. I am getting an education in my old age. Enjoy the experience.