Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Day 7 (part 2) - Jenn


  Dr. Nguyen, from the Cornell Dairy Teaching unit, pointed us in the direction of a dairy bar that had ice cream made from the milk of the cows at the Teaching Barn. It was genuinely some of the best ice cream I’ve had. We went into the Stocking Hall and got to watch some cheese being made. We got to see all the different machines and holding containers that are used during the process. From there we walked down to the bookstore and shopped for a little bit. 


  When we left Cornell, we went to Hepler Beef cattle to learn about how they do things at their facility. On one side they had the cattle that they were fattening up for production and on the other side they had their bulls and more free space which is used for when it is cold. During the winter months all of the cows on pasture are brought into the barns to stay warm. The Dairy Ambassadors, a local group came out to teach us about the dairy industry and how to care for cows. They provided us with yogurt and ice cream sandwiches as a special treat as well as coloring books, pencils, keychains, and erasers. 

A special thanks to Hepler Beef, the Susquehanna County Farm Bureau and the many folks that made this stop possible.

After Mr. John Benscoter taught us about water witching, we all got to try our hand at it. 

We also met a water witch, which was a completely new concept to me and it was really cool to watch. Water witching is a method used to find underground water sources using a metal wire. The magnetic fields in the water pulls the wire towards the water giving the witch an exact spot of where the water is. 

   This was a truly amazing day. I learned so much about dairy, milk processing, beef cattle, soils in New York, and water witching. I will always remember this trip because of visits like these.

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